9 Inch Meringue
Cooking, baking, and fermenting tips and recipe ideas through posts of our experiments. No Meringue.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Pizza Tips
Monday, November 29, 2010
Pi R Scared! (of lions)
You will need these things:
1 cup chopped, dried apricots
¾ cup chopped, pittedprunes
1 ½ cup water
½ cup orange juice, preferably fresh
1 cup dark raisins (or a combination of dark and golden raisins)
1 cup cranberries, fresh or frozen
1 large cooking apple, peeled cored and diced
¼ cup chopped walnuts
¼ cup sliced or slivered almonds
½ cup brown sugar
½ cup white sugar
¼ tsp ground nutmeg
½ tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp ground gloves
Grated rind of 1 orange
2 ¼ cups flour (all purpose, pastry, whole-wheat pastry)
½ tsp. salt
1 ½ sticks cold butter (or substitute ½ cup vegetable shortening)
4-6 TBs ice water
First make a pie crust, and let it chill in the freezer while you make the filling, or make it the day before, or have it all ready before you start. Whatever works for your timing.
My mom uses lard; this is a simpler and lard-free version. Feel free to use your preferred recipe, but make enough for a double-crust pie.
Mix flour and salt. Cut in butter using pastry cutter (or two knives or forks) until mixture is even and resembles coarse crumbs.
Sprinkle in water a tablespoon at a time and mix until dough is just moist enough to hold together.
Shape dough into two flattish disks, one slightly larger than the other. Chill about 30 min.
Roll out half of the dough and fit it into a 10” pie pan.
Now make the filling! You can do this while the crust is chilling!
Chop the apricots and prunes. Putting some flour on the knife and cutting-board helps prevent stickiness. Cook the apricots and prunes in 1-½ cups of water at a medium high heat in a large saucepan for 5 minutes until the fruit is soft.
Remove the pan from heat and add the remaining ingredients to the cooked fruit in the pan. Mix well and bring it to a simmer on medium-high heat.
Spoon the hot filling into the rolled-out crust.
The smaller dough-ball is the top crust. You can cut it into strips and form a lattice crust, or cut it in to decorative shapes with cookie cutters. We chose lion shaped.
We only like two kinds of pie. Hot and cold... and lion.
Place them over the filling. Sprinkle the crust lightly with sugar.
Bake in a preheated 400-degree oven for about 30 minutes until the crust is golden brown and the filling is starting to bubble, covering the crust with foil at the end if necessary (to prevent the crust from getting too dark).
Kate’s Patented Pie Tips:
1) Leftover crust can be baked for a few minutes with cinnamon and sugar on top. They are crispy amazing unhealthy cookies.
2) You can tell a pie is done when it is “talking”, or you can actually hear the bubbles in the filling.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Chocolate Beet Cake

Monday, July 26, 2010
(Blueberry+Rhubarb)-Recipe=BLUEBARB JAM
This was my first solo jam making experience, and to kick off the whole ordeal I decided to immediately break a commonly heard rule of canning, which is that you should not double a recipe. Maybe it worked because I did not follow a recipe to begin with. I had extra pulp from canning blueberry juice, and some rhubarb from work, so the solution was obvious: Cook that shit up!
First off, I have been skeptical of making jams, on account of the insane amounts of sugars that are called for in most recipes. Fruit is already sweet and tasty, why would I want to make it too sweet and less tasty? Then I met low-methoxyl pectin.

What you need:
4 Cups chopped rubarb
4 Cups smashed blueberries (pulp from steam juicer is le bomb)
1.5 Cups Honey ( More or less depending on your taste buds)
1/2 Cup Lemon Juice
4 tsp. low-methoxyl pectin
4.5 tsp. calcium water
What to do:
-Heat rhubarb in a sauce pan with one cup of smashed berries and lemon juice, to let the rhubarb cook down a little bit.
-In a separate bowl, combine honey and pectin, stir well, and set aside.
- When rhubarb is soft, add the rest of the berries and calcium water, then let mixture slowly come to a boil. Once boiling, add honey/pectin mixture and stir well. Test gelling by placing a small drop on a col
-Fill jars (mine filled approximately 4 pints) to 1/4 inch from top, and make sure lip of jar is clean. Place sterilized lids on jars, and process in a boiling water bath for about 10 minutes.
This jam is perfect for curing peanut butter's loneliness, just introduce the two on
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Show us yer Bluebs!
This process is a heck of a lot easier if your housemate happens to come across a steam juicer at goodwill. If you have no such luck, you could always order one online, or pick one up at your local supplier of canning goods. The steam juicer is very efficient at removing juice from fruits and vegetables,and it works like a double boiler, or like a giant coffee percolator for berries. There is a water basin in the bottom, the steam from which passes through a hole in
Steamed juice does not need to go in a water bath to be canned, but you still want to sterilize the jars. I needed four quart jars and one pint jar. After washing jars, place in the oven at about 240 F, and boil your lids. When juice is ready, fill jars up to about 1/2 inch from the top. A pair of channel locks
Done! If you wish to use the pulp, which you should, you can freeze it in smaller packages, or make blueberry applesauce, or scones, or muffins, or cake, or pie, etc., etc. Your canned blueberry goods will be in some fat stacks in no time!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
S'ghetti Fritters > Cold, Leftover Spaghetti

You know how ever time you make spaghetti you make too much? It's okay, just admit it. Everyone does it. There's nothing wrong with you and there's certainly nothing wrong with having too much spaghetti. Cold, leftover spaghetti can, however, get monotonous. We gots the soluntion: S'ghetti Fritters yo!